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Mann Library

Open until 10pm - Full Hours /
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Accessible Course Reserves for a Hybrid Semester

This semester, the Library’s course reserves service has moved into an online, accessible environment to the fullest degree possible, while remaining responsive to instructor needs.


In order to support equitable access for students studying remotely and comply with quarantine guidelines for library materials, we are following these guidelines:

  • If items in physical formats are requested, the Library’s course reserves team will make every effort to purchase or license an accessible digital version instead.
  • If there is no digital version available, we will follow the priorities established by the instructor and will digitize course materials to the fullest extent allowed by copyright law.
  • If neither of the above strategies is successful or there are overriding considerations, the Library will endeavor to make more physical format copies available than usual in order to minimize the checkout delays caused by the quarantine process.

Physical course reserves are available at Mann and Uris Libraries. Students must have a seat reservation for quiet study in order to come into the library to use the course reserve materials.


At Mann Library, these items are shelved on the 1st floor outside the Stone Classroom. We are housing materials usually on reserve at Mann, Math, and ILR libraries. Materials are shelved by course number, and are available on a first come, first served basis. Students can use these materials while they are at the library, but must return them to the shelves when they are finished. We ask students to be mindful that these materials are a shared resource and to please return them to the shelves as soon as they are finished using them.


Course reserves at Mann are available all the hours the library is open for quiet study. Questions about course reserves? Contact our Mann course reserves coordinator: