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Mann Library

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Digital Collections

Mann Library hosts digital collections valuable to research in many fields, including agriculture, agribusiness, demographics, and sociology, to name a few. Together, these collections provide current information as well as important historical materials. All Mann’s online digital collections are open to the general public and can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Additionally, Mann Library administers or participates in providing access to digital collections for the developing world.

Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository (CUGIR)
CUGIR provides free, global access via the web to geospatial data and metadata covering New York State. Data from the collections of Mann Library, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, the Soil Information Systems Laboratory at Cornell, and other state and local agencies are included in CUGIR.

Core Historical Literature of Agriculture (CHLA)
CHLA is a core digital collection of historical books and journals on United States agriculture and rural life published between the early nineteenth and the mid-twentieth century. The collection covers a range of agricultural sciences, forestry, food science, human nutrition, and rural sociology. It includes scientific texts, handbooks, memoirs, local government publications, transactions of early agricultural societies, government publications, and farm journals.

Home Economics Archive (HEARTH)
HEARTH is a core digital collection of historic books and journals in Home Economics and related disciplines published between 1850 and 1950. It includes the full text of these materials, as well as bibliographies and essays on the wide array of subjects relating to Home Economics. The Comstock Entomology Collection is a virtual collection of materials formerly housed in the Comstock Memorial Library of Entomology. In 2012, the Comstock collection was integrated into the main life sciences collection housed at Mann Library.

The Hive and the Honeybee
The Phillips Beekeeping Collection at Mann Library is one of the largest and most complete apiculture libraries in the world. The Hive and the Honey Bee offers a subset of this collection that has been digitized.

Biodiversity Heritage Library
Cornell University Library is an active member of the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), a consortium of institutions dedicated to ensuring open access to the world’s legacy literature in the life sciences. As part of its extensive online, high-resolution collection of digitized rare materials, BHL offers over 13,000 historical seed and nursery catalogs contributed by consortium partners.