Libraries and Hours Ask a Librarian

Mann Library

Open until 10pm - Full Hours /
Lobby/Contactless Pickup: Open 24 Hours

December Stressbusters @ Mann

Mann Library is here to help you finish the semester strong! We have extended late-night hours through finals, as well as lots of other events and support to help you stay healthy and focused!


Let’s Meditate

Wednesday, December 7, 12:15 – 12:45pm, Mann 160

Wednesday, December 14, 12:15 – 12:45pm, Mann 100

Meditation has been shown to reduce stress and foster increased well-being – mentally, physically, cognitively, and emotionally. Mann will be hosting two Let’s Meditate sessions during finals week. These are free, guided mindfulness meditation sessions sponsored by Cornell Health that are open to all members of the Cornell community. During each half-hour session, a trained facilitator will lead participants through meditation exercises designed to focus on the breath and quiet the mind. 


Snacks in the Stacks

Thursday, December 8, 3pm 

Monday, December 12, 3pm

In the Mann Lobby

Mann Library will be giving out free snacks and beverages in the lobby during study week, while supplies last! Take a break with us and grab some refreshments to help you refuel for your epic study sessions 🙂


Study Tips

Throughout the study period and exams, Mann will be posting helpful study and self care tips on our Instagram account, courtesy of the Cornell Learning Strategies Center (LSC). Follow us to learn more about how the LSC and the Library can help you study more effectively!


Late-night hours

Mann Library has extended hours during study week and finals. From Tuesday, December 6 through Thursday, December 15, Mann Library will have the following hours:

  • Monday – Thursday, 8am to midnight
  • Friday, 8am to 8pm
  • Saturday, 11am to 8pm
  • Sunday, Noon to midnight

Attention night owls: Don’t forget about our 24/7 study spaces! These spaces include the lobby, Stone Computer Classroom (Mann 103), and Mann 112, right off the lobby. We’ll be putting out some fun crafts and other activities in this space throughout the week.


See our full hours online: You can find the hours for the Mann Café, or order online, via the Cornell Dining website.