As a land grant university library for the State of New York, Mann Library serves the students and faculty in the life sciences, agriculture, and human ecology disciplines at Cornell University. Mann Library is also pleased to highlight here a number of resources and services of interest to visitors and alumni. Please visit Cornell Library’s website for additional information about campus-wide library services for alumni and friends of Cornell University Library.
Borrowing Privileges
NY State residents, SUNY affiliates, and CALS or CHE alumni may obtain a borrowing privilege card that enables 4 week loans for up to twenty books at a time for any circulating book in Mann’s collections. These and other alumni may also purchase a guest borrower card from Olin Library, which includes borrowing privileges for all CUL libraries.
Walk-in Access to Library Services
Visitors to the Cornell campus are able to use any of the Mann Library computing stations to access thousands of online e-journals, databases and other digital resources. Items from Mann’s special collections of rare works in beekeeping, language of flowers, botany, natural history, home economics, lace making and textiles, and other disciplines may also be viewed in the library.
Regular collection books can be charged out with a privilege or guest borrower card. For guidance on finding specific titles, e-journals or databases, please check our online catalog at any of the computing stations in the library. If further assistance is needed, please consult with an information assistant at the Mann Information & Research Help Desk in Mann during help desk hours.
Alumni with an active Cornell NetID may also access the following resources:
Academic Search™ Alumni Edition is designed for the continuing education needs of the post-college professional. The database provides full text for more than 3,350 journals as well as indexing and abstracting for more than 8,200 journals. The database offers information in nearly every area of academic study.
Business Source® Alumni Edition includes full-text sources ranging from general periodicals to trade publications
Hospitality & Tourism Index™ (HTI) is a bibliographic database covering scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism.
Those alumni who do not yet have a NetID may call the CIT HelpDesk at (607) 255-8990 for instructions on obtaining one. See CIT’s info page on eligibility for NetID’s for more information.