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Mann Library

Open until 10pm - Full Hours /
Lobby/Contactless Pickup: Open 24 Hours

Exhibit & Outreach Spaces

Our gallery and exhibits spaces are devoted to celebrating science, art, and community at Cornell University. In addition to developing exhibits in collaboration with CALS and CHE faculty, researchers, and organizations, we welcome the work of students and local artists. To inquire about working with us to develop an exhibit in the Mann Gallery, or about using one of Mann’s other display spaces, please send us an email at

Mann Gallery

Mann Gallery exhibit Focus on Fungi

The Mann Gallery showcases and celebrates the work of Cornell’s CALS and CHE faculty, researchers, organizations, and students. We also welcome collaboration with artists in the Ithaca area, and with other programs and individuals at Cornell, for displays that fall within Mann Library’s life sciences and human ecology subject scope. The Gallery is free and open to the public. To find out more about upcoming exhibits, please see our Events Calendar.

Top Shelf Gallery

Patron looking at images in Top Shelf Gallery exhibit

The Top Shelf Galley is one of our outreach spaces that present an opportunity to complement displays in other exhibits spaces within the library and as a venue for smaller exhibits proposed by our faculty, students, or staff. 

Short-Term Exhibit Spaces

Student looking at Sing Our Rivers Red exhibit

A variety of spaces within Mann library are available for short-term exhibits such as poster sessions and the display of class projects. We also host temporary art installations. Movable walls in various dimensions can often be provided. 

Lobby Kiosk

Interested in advertising on our lobby kiosk? Please submit your slide to and be sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Slides should relate to academic programs and activities only (i.e. commercial advertisements, flyers about parties, fraternity/sorority rush events, etc. won’t be posted).
  • Slides should be in JPG format.
  • Slide design should not include a lot of text; keep content limited to the essentials – title, date, location, an appropriate accompanying graphic visual, and URL for more info.
  • Dimensions should be 1920 x 1080 at 72 dpi (in PPT, this translates to a 16:9 design format); if you create your file at a higher res than this, please be sure to downsize to exactly these dimensions, as our email listserv will reject files that are too large (over 700 KB). Files that are too large or otherwise formatted incorrectly will not be posted.
  • Since Mann receives so many requests to post slides to the lobby LCD, we ask that you allow at least one week for us to post your slide.  Once received and posted, we will run a submitted slide for up to 2 weeks at a time on the Mann lobby screen slide rotation
Lobby kiosk LCD and students tabling