Are you looking for a special way to express your gratitude to a family member for his or her support? Or to a teacher whose mentorship has made a big difference in your college and professional career? A friend whose companionship you’ve cherished? Consider making an Honor with Books gift to Mann Library!
The Honor with Books Fund supports new acquisitions at Mann Library. It is a vitally important fund that helps protect the excellence of the library’s collection against spiraling publishing costs and erosive budget cuts. The Honor with Books program also gives you the opportunity to pay a lasting public tribute to special people in your life. Custom-worded bookplates on the inside cover of new book acquisitions will honor the person or persons of your choice. Each $100 gift to the Honor with Books Fund at Mann is eligible for one bookplate, and the honored party will receive a letter and copy of the plate in acknowledgement of your thoughtfulness.
To make an Honor with Books gift, please print out and return the Honor with Books request form with your gift to the Administrative Office at Mann Library. Your Honor with Books gift helps ensure that Mann Library’s resources will meet the pressing education and research challenges of the 21st century. We thank you very much for your help!