Libraries and Hours Ask a Librarian

Mann Library

Open until 6pm - Full Hours /
Lobby/Contactless Pickup: Open 24 Hours

Mann Library Hours – Thanksgiving Break

Mann Library will have adjusted hours for the Thanksgiving Break. We will close early on Wednesday, November 27 and will remain closed through the holiday weekend until we reopen on Sunday, December 1. We will resume our regular semester hours on Monday, December 2.


In summary, our hours during the Thanksgiving weekend will be:

  • Wednesday, November 27 – 8am to 5pm
  • Thursday, November 28 – CLOSED
  • Friday, November 29 – CLOSED
  • Saturday, November 30 – CLOSED
  • Sunday, December 1 – 12 to 6pm

You can find our full hours for the remainder of the semester on our hours page. Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday weekend, from all your friends at Mann Library!

New Exhibit: Mohawk River Project

Teionontatátie, “a river flowing through a mountain,” was once the dominant means of travel and fishing by the Haudenosaunee people. Named after the Mohawk tribe in English, the river is now one of the most modified rivers in the United States, and has been polluted by industrial waste, abundant raw sewage overspills, nitrogen, and road salt. 


The Mohawk River Project exhibit features the works of Anna Davidson, senior research associate and lecturer in Natural Resources, and her graduate student, Anna Mehlhorn, that stem from leading a capstone course that intertwined art, science and culture in the study of the Mohawk River. Davidson and her students traveled to various communities along the watershed soliciting their concerns, hopes, data, and other messages about their river. Several of the pieces in the exhibit, including a 15-foot canoe, are covered in the messages from these participants, including Mohawk River Watershed Youth Climate Summit members, Indigenous people of the Mohawk River Valley, scientists working on the river, Cornell students, and seventh graders from the Middle School in New York Mills, a town increasingly prone to flooding and deeply affected by hurricane Irene. 


As a performative act for environmental justice, on September 15-16th 2024, Davidson canoed these messages down the Mohawk, then the Hudson, finally arriving at the NY State Capitol where the canoe was exhibited for lawmakers. 


The canoe and other pieces are now viewable in Mann Gallery, second floor of Mann Library, during all open hours of the Library now through January 26, 2025.

Library card for all Cornell University Library visitors now free

Jose Beduya, Cornell University Library


Not a current Cornellian but want to borrow books from Cornell University Library without having to pay for a visitor’s library card? No problem! 


For free, any visitor—including alumni, local residents, and anyone visiting from in and outside of New York State—can now request a library card from Cornell University Library. 


Renewable yearly, the library card enables visitors to check out circulating materials, including books, DVDs, CDs, and other physical media. Borrowed library materials can be renewed online or on site and returned in person or by mail, but they must be picked up on site.


There are two ways to request the free visitor’s library card: 

  • Fill out an online form and get notified when the library card is ready for pickup at the Olin Library service desk. 
  • Sign up for the library card at the Olin Library service desk and get it on the spot. 

Cornell University Library implemented the change to a free library card for all visitors in September 2024. Before then, visitors have been welcome to use Cornell University Library’s spaces, equipment, and collections on site, but only New York State residents could get free visitors’ borrowing cards for statutory unit libraries such as Mann Library and Catherwood Library. All other visitors had to pay a small fee to have a library card with borrowing privileges for all library locations on campus.


Making the visitor’s library card free is part of Cornell University Library’s efforts at expanding access for individuals from all walks of life, according to Michelle Hubbell, the library’s financial and user management coordinator. 


“After eliminating overdue fines, it seems natural to continue to eliminate any fees that can be seen as a barrier to entry into and use of our libraries,” she said. “Hopefully, it also helps project a welcoming environment to our visitors.” 


Explore Cornell University Library’s website to get information on how to visit and to learn more about library locations and hours

Library Hours – Thanksgiving Break

Mann Library will have adjusted hours for the Thanksgiving Break. We will close early on Wednesday, November 22 and will remain closed until we reopen on Sunday, November 26. We will resume our regular operating hours on Monday, November 27.


In summary, our hours during the holiday break will be:

  • Wednesday, November 22 – 8am to 5pm
  • Thursday, November 23 – CLOSED
  • Friday, November 24 – CLOSED
  • Saturday, November 25 – CLOSED
  • Sunday, November 26 – 12 to 6pm

You can find our full hours for the remainder of the semester on our hours page. However you are choosing to spend the long weekend, your friends at Mann Library wish you a restful and restorative break!

GIS Day @ Mann Library

For GIS Day 2023, the Cornell community and Ithaca area public are cordially invited to drop by Mann Library on November 15 for a multi-media celebration of maps both old and new, the technologies that create them, and the worlds they help us see and understand. GIS @ Mann Library will feature:

Please join us for any or all of the day’s events. All are free and open to the Cornell campus community and Ithaca area public. For questions for further info:


This celebration is made possible by the Bondareff Family Fund for Mann Library.

Exhibit Opening: Then & There, Here & Now

Maps play a key role in our lives, whether they’re helping us navigate our daily commute or giving us a broader perspective on the world we live in. However, there’s much more to maps than the data they contain. Maps tell stories, both by design and by coincidence, revealing changes in our environment and our culture. “Then & There, Here & Now: The Stories Maps Tell” presents a selection of vintage and modern maps, which together illustrate the power and impact of this visual medium, as well as the ongoing story of mapmaking as both a form of art and a scientific endeavor. This exhibit invites visitors to consider the ways in which maps have influenced our understanding of the world, as well as how we might play our own roles in shaping the future of cartography.


In conjunction with this new Mann Library lobby exhibit, the Cornell University campus community and Ithaca area public are cordially invited to drop by Mann Library on Wednesday, November 15 between 10am and 3pm for a celebration of Geography Awareness Week and National GIS Day 2023. For the schedule of planned activities, visit

Collections news: JoVE Videos now available!

Thanks to a recent one-time funding opportunity, Cornell University Library has unlimited access to the more than 17,000 videos in the Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) for the next 2 years. JoVE is an online, peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes videos demonstrating experiments in the fields of biology, chemistry, medicine, engineering, physics, and other science disciplines. The videos provide a visual and detailed representation of experimental procedures, making it easier for researchers to learn and replicate complex experiments.


The “visualized” aspect of JOVE are the experiments demonstrated through videos. Students and researchers can see how experiments are performed, which is valuable for techniques that are difficult to explain through text or diagrams.


More information, including how to upload videos to Canvas, is available at this link:

Holiday Weekend Hours

Attention Mann Library patrons: The library will have adjusted hours for the holiday weekend! We will close early on Wednesday, November 23, at 5pm and will remain closed until we reopen at noon on Sunday, November 27. We will resume our normal operating hours on Monday, November 28. 


To recap, our Thanksgiving weekend hours are:

  • Wednesday, November 23, 8am to 5pm
  • Thursday, November 24, CLOSED
  • Friday, November 25, CLOSED
  • Saturday, November 26, CLOSED
  • Sunday, November 27, 12 – 6pm

You can find our full hours for the remainder of the semester on our hours page. However you are choosing to spend the long weekend, we hope you have a restful and restorative break!

Mann @ 70 Scavenger Hunt

Mann Library is celebrating 70 years on the Cornell Ag Quad and we want you to feel part of that history!


On the first three floors of the library, you will find stations/small tables with information about what the library looked like in its early decades and how it has evolved over the years. Go to the stations to find the answers to the following four questions.


  1. What year was the renovation of the original Mann Library building complete?
  2. What caused the fire (epic!) in the Mann Library building in 1964?
  3. What 1950’s technology allowed communication between library staff working at the circulation desk and staff working in the closed library stacks?
  4. Mann Library opened Cornell University’s first public computer lab in the early 1980’s. Who was it named after?

Submit your answers in the online entry form here: If you get them all correct, you’ll be notified via email to come select a prize at the Mann Help Desk. The prize line-up includes posters or note card packets with images from our special collections, Mann travel mugs (while supplies last!), and other swag. One entry per person. The scavenger hunt ends November 29.


Happy hunting — and best of luck as you wrap up the semester and head into exams!

Making Meaning Exhibit Opening

Cornell students have the good fortune of being able to learn about making meaningful contributions to the world via a wide array of engaged learning internships. What do these interns actually do?  A photo exhibit in the Mann Library Gallery provides an intriguing glimpse. Featured are photos taken by students while participating in engaged learning experiences during the past year. Each photo represents a snapshot, a single moment in time capturing the diverse activities, landscapes, research, and work accomplished by the featured interns. The images represent engaged experiences across eleven countries, six U.S. cities, and one virtual internship.


“Making Meaning” is a collaboration between the Lund Fellows Program for Regenerative Agriculture, the CALS Global Fellows Program, the Department of Global Development and Mann Library. The exhibition will be on display in the Mann Library Gallery on Mann’s second floor through January 2023. The exhibit is open to the public during Mann’s hours of operation, and students wishing to explore the internship opportunities available at Cornell are particularly encouraged to drop by and check it out.


An opening reception for the exhibit is planned for Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. All are welcome!