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Open Access Week 2023

International Open Access Week 2023 is October 23-29. This year’s theme, “Community over Commercialization”, encourages conversation about which approaches to open scholarship prioritize the best interests of the public and the academic community. OA Week is an invaluable chance to connect the global momentum toward open sharing with the advancement of policy changes on the local level. Universities, colleges, research institutes, funding agencies, libraries, and think tanks have used Open Access Week as a platform to host faculty votes on campus open-access policies, to issue reports on the societal and economic benefits of Open Access, to commit new funds in support of open-access publication, and more. 


Cornell University Library is hosting events all week on Zoom. Please click on the links below for more information:


Variations on a Theme: Alternatives to Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Monday, 10/23, 1 to 2pm

mong commercial publishers, Article Processing Charges (APCs) cover publishing costs and make it possible for articles to be published as Open Access (OA). But what other options exist, particularly when APCs can reach up to $11,000 per article? Other options do exist, such as Diamond OA, where all costs are borne by the publisher and the author is not required to pay any APCs; Subscribe to Open, where no payment is associated with an article, but instead publishers receive enough funding to cover their costs and then make all content freely available; and financial support from beyond the library for Read & Publish deals, which can (sometimes) save money for high-output departments that would otherwise need to fund numerous APCs.


30 Years In, ∞ To Go: arXiv’s Role in Today’s Open Access Ecosystem

Tuesday, 10/24, 1 to 2pm

“Open, above all” has been arXiv’s calling card for more than 30 years. We are a preprint repository for scientific research, completely open and free to everyone. In 1991, arXiv was a pioneer of open access, reinventing science communications by providing an open, reliable platform which enabled researchers to share their research with their peers quickly, before publication. While that continues to be our focus today, the ecosystem in which we operate has changed over the years, and arXiv has learned to adapt with it.


Open Access Books in the Fight Against Climate Change

Wednesday, 10/25, 1 to 2pm

Learn how open access (OA) books can be powerful and effective tools to help combat climate change. Global problems require global solutions, and with OA books being accessible worldwide for free, they have the ability to break down geographical barriers and allow people from all walks of life to access crucial information. Learn about OA books’ advantages to print books, some surprising data on where OA climate change books are being used domestically and abroad, and hear recommendations on what you can do to help stem the climate crisis.


Data-Sharing Requirements: How the Library Can Help

Thursday, 10/26, 1 to 2pm

Confused about the recent Nelson Memo or the National Institute of Health’s new data-sharing requirements for funded research? Want to explore options for open-access data repositories?  Complying with the ever-evolving open scholarship system can be challenging–but Cornell University Library is here to help! Join our panelists as they review the national data-sharing landscape, explain how the library’s data curation service provides support for funder requirements, and demonstrate how the library’s institutional repository is a solution for compliance.


Cornell’s Open Choice: Seizing Control of Your Research and Changing the System

Friday, 10/27, 1 to 2pm

Cornell faculty, students, and researchers publish a tremendous quantity of renowned research every year, and yet most authors have little control over who gets to learn and benefit from their work. In this session, we will share some of the financial realities of scholarly publishing, tactics everyone can use to maintain control of their work, and discuss ideas from peer institutions that may inspire Cornell to change the way our research output is disseminated.


To see the full line-up of events at Cornell, and for Zoom information, visit our Guide to Open Access Week 2023:

New Workshop Offering! An Introduction to Evidence Synthesis

Are you interested in working on a systematic review, scoping review, or meta-analysis but don’t know where to start? Have you wondered about the differences between literature reviews and systematic reviews–and wondered which one is right for you? Join us on Friday, October 20, from 12-1pm, for our newest workshop offering, “Systematic Reviews, Scoping Reviews, and More! An Introduction to Evidence Synthesis”. In this workshop, participants will receive an overview of evidence synthesis and to learn how the library can help at every stage of the process! Register at and you will be sent the Zoom link.


Can’t make the workshop? You can learn more about evidence synthesis, the different methodologies available, and the steps involved in the process by reviewing our Guide to Evidence Synthesis. For more information on the types of support offered by the library or to schedule a consultation, visit our Evidence Synthesis Service webpage.

Science Journal Editors Give Advice!

Science Journal Editors Give Advice!

A Zoom panel discussion with science editors and authors in medicine, veterinary medicine, and engineering

Tuesday, October 10, 2:00 – 3:30pm

Preregister at (the preregistration form includes the opportunity to submit in advance questions that you may have for the panel.)


Are you getting ready to publish your research? Wondering how to maximize your chances of getting your paper accepted? Learn from the experts on publishing your work in journals. What are some common author mistakes? Where do you send a paper next if one is rejected? Join us to find out and bring your questions with you.


Our panelists include:

  • Dr. Lisa Fortier, DVM, PhD, DACVS: Editor-in-Chief of Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Journal of Veterinary Research, and James Law Professor of Large Animal Surgery in Clinical Sciences at the College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Dr. Emmanuel Giannelis, PhD: Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Director of Engineering Innovations on Medicine Initiative
  • Dr. Andrea Lodi, PhD: Co-Editor for Mathematical Programming, an Area Editor for INFORMS Journal on Computing, Editor in several other prestigious journals, and Andrew H. and Ann R. Tisch Professor at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech and the Technion
  • Dr. Joseph Safdieh, MD FAAN: Editor in Chief of Neurology Today, Gertrude Feil Associate Dean of Curricular Affairs, Vice Chair of Education, and Professor of Neurology at Weill Cornell Medical College

While the anticipated audience is graduate students in the sciences from across Cornell, interested faculty, clinicians, staff, professional students, and undergraduates are also welcome!

Open Access Week 2022

OA Week is an invaluable chance to connect the global momentum toward open sharing with the advancement of policy changes on the local level. Universities, colleges, research institutes, funding agencies, libraries, and think tanks have used Open Access Week as a platform to host faculty votes on campus open-access policies, to issue reports on the societal and economic benefits of Open Access, to commit new funds in support of open-access publication, and more.


Cornell University Library is holding a series of panel discussions and talks, Oct. 24–28, to promote freely accessible scholarship that advances the work of researchers in all disciplines around the world.


What does “open access” look like for the incarcerated?
Monday, October 24th, 11:15am – 12:15pm
Uris Library Fiske Room (light refreshments will be served and in person attendees will receive a pair of OA socks!) or Zoom 
Moderated by Nichole McCarthy, Original Content Collections Manager, Legal Information Institute
The short answer is, there is no such thing as “open access” in a correctional facility. However, access to information and education in correctional facilities is still essential. Instead of talking specifically about “open access” efforts, we are going to talk about the ways in which The Cornell Prison Education Program and Cornell Library work together to provide access to information to those receiving an education while incarcerated.

  • Betsye Violette, Associate Director of Student Services, Cornell Prison Education Program
  • Maddie Reynolds, Cornell Prison Education Program Librarian, Cornell University Library
  • Wendy Wilcox Co-Director Olin/Uris Libraries, Resource & Access Services, Cornell University Library

Openness and the Future of Scholarly Communications
Tuesday, October 25th, 1pm – 2pm
Olin Library Room 703 (light refreshments will be served and in person attendees will receive a pair of OA socks!) or Zoom
Moderated by Jane Bunker, Director, Cornell University Press

  • Elaine L. Westbrooks, Carl A. Kroch University Librarian, Cornell University Library
  • K. Max Zhang, Professor, Sibling School of Mechanical Engineering; The Kathy Dwyer Marble and Curt Marble Faculty Director, Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
  • Andrew Hicks, Associate Professor, Department of Music and Program in Medieval Studies; Director, Cornell Medieval Studies Program

Trends in Peer Review of Open Access Preprints
Wednesday, October 26th, 11am – 12pm
Mann Library Room 160 (light refreshments will be served and in person attendees will receive a pair of OA socks!) or Zoom (pre-registration required; click the link to register)
Hosted by Alison Fromme of ArXiv 
Speed or research is a major feature of open access preprint platforms like arXiv – formal peer review can follow later after rapid distribution of results. However, as submissions to arXiv and other preprint servers have grown, many researchers are seeking new avenues for community feedback and peer review. At this panel discussion, leaders in preprints and peer review will discuss current trends in virtual overlay journals, open peer reviews, and more.

  • Peter Coles, PhD, Theoretical Cosmologist at Maynooth University in Ireland and Managing Editor of The Open Journal of Astrophysics
  • Jessica Polka, PhD, Executive Director of ASAPbio
  • Antti Mikael Rousi, PhD, Senior Advisor, Research Services at Aalto University, Finland
  • Steinn Sigurdsson, PhD, Professor of Astronomy at Penn State University and arXiv Scientific Director

OER Above Cayuga’s Waters: An Introduction to Open Educational Resources
Thursday, October 27th, 2pm – 3pm
Olin Library Room 703 (light refreshments will be served and in person attendees will receive a pair of OA socks!) or Zoom
Presented by Mike Priehs, Cornell University Library Copyright Services
Open Educational Resources, also known as OER, are educational materials that are intentionally created and licensed to be free for users to own, share, and customize. These materials can range from a single lesson plan to an entire textbook. Not only can they save students money, but they can also be modified and remixed to better meet the learning objectives of courses. In this session, we will describe and define OER, talk about copyright and licensing issues, identify examples of OER in practice, and share our experience and knowledge of OER in use at Cornell University.


Lightning Talks!
Friday, October 28th, 10am – 11am
Hosted by Debra Howell, Cornell University Library
Lightning talks are short presentations of 5-10 minutes that are arranged one after the other that allow presenters to convey ideas, information, and concepts quickly in an exciting format. Our Open Access Week Lightning Talks include:

Changes to Public Access to Federally Funded Research

    • Presented by Matthew Kopel, Copyright Specialist, Cornell University Library and Sarah J Wright, Research Data & Life Sciences Librarian, Cornell University Library
    • In August, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy issued a memorandum eliminating the 12-month embargo on federally funded research. This presentation will briefly review what this policy guidance means for researchers and the broader academic community.

Making Research Papers Available to All

    • Presented by Shamsi Beers Brinn, User Interface/Experience Specialist, arXiv
    • For 30 years, arXiv has removed financial, institutional, and geographic barriers to access research and profoundly impacted how scientific knowledge is shared around the world. But for scientists with a variety of disabilities – such as blindness or reading disabilities – research is still not open. arXiv is embarking on an ambitious project to make the research we host as accessible and approachable as possible. We will share our findings, where arXiv can have the most impact, and how these changes benefit the entire scientific community.

Cornell Open Access Publishing Fund (COAP) – program updates

    • Presented by Kizer Walker, Director of Collections, Cornell University Library
    • Established in 2010, the Library’s COAP program underwrites reasonable publication charges for articles and books by Cornell authors who are non-tenured faculty members, academic staff members, or students, published in fee-based open access journals when other funding sources are not available.

Open for Climate Justice at The Ohio State University

    • Presented by Maureen P. Walsh, Scholarly Sharing Strategist, The Ohio State University Libraries and Gene R. Springs, Collections Strategist, The Ohio State University Libraries
    • We will give a brief overview of The Ohio State University Libraries’ “Transforming the Scholarly Publishing Economy” strategic initiative, now in its third year. We will highlight our portfolio of transformational and transitional agreements with journal publishers and our support for open scholarly monographs and open scholarly infrastructure. We will focus on the impact of our Read and Publish and Pure Publish Agreements are having in opening Climate Justice scholarship at The Ohio State University. We will share our current thinking on future directions for our initiatives as we continue to work with campus stakeholders, researchers, consortia partners, peers, open-source communities, and publishers for the advancement of open research and scholarship.

Cornell’s Quadruple Bottom Line for Sustainability: An Open Access Decision-Making Tool

    • Presented by Sarah Brylinsky, Assistant Director, Cornell Campus Sustainability Office
      • Sarah Brylinsky leads the development of climate action and sustainability business strategy across the university, including managing strategic communications and the development of a ‘living laboratory for sustainability’ to accelerate innovation and impact. She has been at her role at Cornell for 6 years, and was previously director of the national carbon commitment and founded the first higher education climate resiliency compact.
    • People. Prosperity. Planet. Purpose. These four impact areas comprise Cornell’s “quadruple bottom line” sustainability framework. Cornell’s Sustainability Office has created an open-access sustainability framework that incorporates the three key areas of environment, economy, and equity (which we call planetprosperity, and people), and adds a fourth area of consideration which helps us examine how we can best contribute to a more sustainable world as an education institution – our purpose. This Quadruple Bottom Line Sustainability Framework is both an “ethos” for how we consider sustainability as part of our campus education and operations, but also a tool for decision making that can be used by anyone on campus and beyond.

Mann @ 70: Cornell Family Weekend Celebration

Seventy years ago, in the fall of 1952, a new Mann Library building opened its art deco doors on Cornell’s upper campus, and the Cornell Ag Quad has never been the same since. We warmly invite Cornell alumni and their families to help us celebrate our 70th anniversary and all the ways this library has grown, thrived and yet stayed true to its classic roots and its Cornell mission—helping to advance knowledge with public purpose—through the big changes of the digital age. Drop by our Cornell Family Weekend Celebration for birthday cake, a scavenger hunt, prizes and party favors. All ages welcome!

The Library’s got you covered during Fall Break!

Whether you’re getting out of town and doing some traveling, or enjoying a quiet staycation at home, Mann Library can help you make the most of your fall break!


Heading out of town? Use Access Anywhere to access library resources

When you’re off-campus, you can connect to databases, journals, and e-books that would otherwise be restricted or hidden behind paywalls through Access Anywhere. Just install the Access Anywhere bookmarklet on the web browser of your choice. Next time you hit a restricted website, click the Passkey icon. If the Library has a subscription to the resource you are trying to access, you will be prompted to sign in with your NetID and password.


Enjoy our wide selection of e-books and audiobooks!

Looking forward to some pleasure reading over the long weekend? OverDrive allows current Cornell students, faculty, and staff to check out and download e-books and audiobooks. There are multiple options for accessing e-books and audiobooks via OverDrive:

  • Install the Libby app to download books to a computer, phone, or other device.
  • Read or listen online directly through your computer browser with OverDrive Read.
  • Use your Amazon account and either a Kindle device or app to download Kindle formats.

In addition to Cornell’s OverDrive offerings you can sign up for a Tompkins County Public Library Card to take advantage of their collection. New York State residents may also apply for a New York Public Library Card and/or a Brooklyn Public Library Card to access their OverDrive content as well as other online resources.


Staying in town? Come visit us!

Mann will be open with limited hours during fall break:

  • Friday, 10/7  8am to 5pm
  • Saturday, 10/8  1 to 5pm
  • Sunday, 10/9  CLOSED
  • Monday 10/10 8am to 5pm

Tastings & Tomes: Celebrating NYS Cider Week @ the Library

Each year, the Finger Lakes cider industry commemorates a long and rich tradition of cider-making and apple growing with a regional celebration, which this year has gone New York State-wide. The Peck Lab in the Cornell School of Integrative Plant Sciences is teaming up with Mann Library to invite the Cornell community and Ithaca area residents to join in the fun. A special program in the Mann Library lobby on Tuesday, October 4 will feature fresh apples to taste, sweet cider to savor, new ideas to explore about foraging for old apple varieties across the landscape, and insights to gain from beautifully illustrated rare and distinctive old pomology volumes that are valued by both experts and amateurs alike. Drop in anytime between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to celebrate with us!

Fall 2021 Exhibit Expo @ Mann

Mann Library has kicked off the fall 2021 semester with a lively roster of exhibits in our fully re-opened library. We are pleased to invite the Cornell community to come check them out at our Fall 2021 Exhibit Expo. Stop by Mann Library anytime between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon to meet Finger Lakes artist June Szabo along with the other curators and collaborators, including Cornell’s renowned Plant Pathology Herbarium Collection (CUP), behind our fall 2021 exhibits. Visitors are warmly invited to come have fun with interactive displays, discover the fascinating side- and back-stories to the installations on display in our building, and browse our featured exhibits at their leisure.


Wood-carved and woven renditions of Finger Lakes landscapes, a vast and intriguing collection of mushroom specimens, hidden messages in flower bouquets, exquisite 19th century glass sea life sculptures, and dramatic stories of suppressed science—there’s so much thought-provoking and beautiful art and science to explore!

October Library Workshops

The fall semester is in full swing, and the Library has a great line-up of October workshops to help you boost your research and multimedia production skills!


To view the complete schedule of Cornell University Library workshops, please visit our Library workshop calendar

Back in the Stacks

Mann Library is pleased to announce that Mann’s stacks are now again open to in-person research and browsing by on-campus Cornellians. Here’s how it’s working:

  • Stacks browsing hours are Mondays through Thursdays 10:00 a.m. through 9:00 p.m.; Fridays 10:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Saturdays 12:00 p.m. through 5:00 p.m.; and Sundays 12:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m.
  • Browsing is open to Cornellians who are cleared to be on campus (i.e. who are submitting daily check-ins and receive regular COVID-19 testing)
  • Faculty and staff do not need an appointment to browse the stacks; they will need to use their Cornell ID to swipe into Mann and inform student staff at the welcome desk that they here to browse the stacks.
  • Graduate & undergraduate students will be required to have a seat reservation to be in the library (which can be made at They will use their Cornell ID to swipe into the building and will also confirm with student staff at the welcome desk that they have a seat reservation.
  • Stacks maps with 2nd & 3rd floor call number locations as well as information how to check out items are available. Please just ask for one if you don’t receive it automatically when you check in with the attending student assistant.
  • We are working on providing on-site check out and will update this page when it is available. In the meantime, if you browse the stacks and see an item you wish to check out please make a request for that item through our catalog or contactless pick-up.
  • On-site checkout will be available for circulating items that are not available digitally through the Hathi Trust Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS.) For more information about ETAS, visit here.
  • De-densified seating is available on the 3rd floor for faculty members needing to sit down at a table while looking for materials.

And still to come: Access to Mann’s special collections materials by appointment. Watch this space for an update on that shortly!