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Mann Library

Open until 8pm - Full Hours /
Lobby/Contactless Pickup: Open 24 Hours

Poster & Specialty Printing

Poster and specialty printing services are available at our Help Desk during library operating hours. Please note that poster printing services end an hour before the library closes.


  • Staff will check your settings before submitting your print job. Additional adjustments may be necessary. It is the responsibility of the patron to ensure that the document/object is formatted correctly. If there is a formatting issue, the patron is still responsible for the payment. Patrons are NOT responsible for misprints due to software or hardware failures/incompatibilities.
  • All print jobs must be submitted on a USB drive. A USB drive and USB-C adapter is available at the Help Desk for transferring files from your laptop or our public computers. Due to security restrictions, we cannot access your email or cloud storage services at the Help Desk.
  • Maximum cut length for posters is 6′ (72″). Patrons are responsible for cutting anything beyond that length. We do not offer quarter card cutting nor do we perform exact poster trimming.
  • It is the patron’s responsibility to ensure that the print job is correct before printing. Once the job is paid for and leaves the building, any reprints will incur additional costs.
  • All print jobs are processed in the order they are received. The approximate print time for a standard poster is 15 minutes.
  • Patrons must remain in the area while the job is being printed. Any jobs that are not retrieved the day of printing will be disposed of; no refunds or reprints will be issued.


  • We accept check, credit card, Cornell Procurement Card, or departmental account number. We cannot accept Cornell Cards, Bursar transfers, or cash payments.
  • Payment must be made before your document can be printed. Jobs that are not paid for will not be printed or released to patrons. If paying by course poster session, the patron is responsible for any amount to exceeds the maximum amount set by the instructor.

Group Session Registration

Group poster sessions allow participants in a course or program to bring their posters individually and print them on one department account. Students in the poster session will need to provide the course or program name (e.g., COMM 100, Poster Makers Symposium) and their NetID to staff at the desk. Patrons are expected to stay nearby for printing and take their poster once it’s done; we do not hold posters for pick-up later. We do not accept online submissions via Box, any other cloud-sharing method, or email.

  • Courses, departments, or groups may register with Mann Library using the group session registration form.
  • All group sessions must be paid for with a Cornell department account number.
  • Group sessions must be submitted 2 weeks before the session is to begin. Once we receive your request, we will try to enter it into our system as soon as possible. Participants will receive an email indicating they have been added to a poster session and the parameters set by the course instructor.
  • Instructors set the parameters for the session. If a participant chooses to go over the maximum amount set by the instructor, they are responsible for paying the overage.
  • Mann Library will bill you once the session is completed. You will only be charged for the amount used by your participants. We will create a summary of all invoices and charge the total to the account provided.
  • The instructor can control how printed materials are distributed to participants. We can either release printed items to individuals as they are completed, or hold all items until the end of the session for a representative to retrieve.

Printing Fees

  • 42" Matte Poster $0.70 per linear inch
  • 42" Glossy Poster $1.10 per linear inch
  • 42" Banner Vinyl Poster $1.25 per linear inch
  • 60" Glossy Poster $1.35 per linear inch
  • Letter (8.5" x 11") Copy Paper $0.09 per black and white page, $0.25 per color page
  • Letter (8.5" x 11") Glossy Paper $0.50 per page
  • Tabloid (11" x 17") Copy Paper $0.60 per page
  • Tabloid (11" x 17") Glossy Paper $1.20 per page