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Fall 2023 Workshops @ Mann Library

Feeling a little lost? Library workshops can help you find your way! Our fall workshops will help you gain valuable research skills and set you on the right path for the semester. In addition to the live workshops listed below, we also have a wide selection of pre-recorded workshops – including citation management software and research data management options – listed on our Workshops page

Introduction to Bloomberg

This is one of the best financial databases available and is widely used by finance and investment professionals.  From company information to analyst advice, to mergers and acquisitions, few resources have either the range or depth of information of Bloomberg. Give yourself an edge in the job search by learning to use this powerful and sophisticated research tool.

Introduction to Market Research

Understanding the consumer is essential for any successful business. Market research encompasses several aspects critical to understanding the consumer, ranging from their demographic make-up to their attitudes and behavior regarding a product or service. This workshop will introduce attendees to the basics of market research, highlighting key concepts that dictate what information is available, and exposing attendees to Cornell’s top resources for discovering this information.

Introduction to Workspace

Refinitiv, a major financial research and data company, has recently combined many of their research platforms (including Eikon, SDC, and Datastream) into a single, all-encompassing platform called Workspace. Come learn how to use this powerful new research tool!

Intro to QGIS

This workshop will cover basic tasks using QGIS: loading data, changing the styles used to display the data on a map, installing plugins, using processing tools to do basic analysis, and exporting a finished map image.

Systematic Reviews, Scoping Reviews, and More! An Introduction to Evidence Synthesis

Are you interested in working on a systematic review, scoping review, or meta-analysis but don’t know where to start? Have you wondered about the differences between literature reviews and systematic reviews–and wondered which one is right for you? Join us for this workshop to get an overview of evidence synthesis and to learn how the library can help you at every stage of the process!

For the full listing of all Cornell University Library workshops, visit the Library Workshops calendar.y