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Fall 2024 Workshops @ Mann Library

Check out our fall semester workshop schedule and make a game plan to level up your research skills! Click the links below to register for these live workshops. To see the full list of all Cornell University Library workshops, visit

In addition to the live workshops listed below, we also have a wide selection of pre-recorded workshops – including citation management software and research data management options – listed on our Workshops page

Introduction to Bloomberg

Over the course of the next couple weeks, Mann Library will be offering workshops for Bloomberg Professional. This is among the best financial databases available, and is widely used by finance and investment professionals. From company information, to analyst advice, to mergers and acquisitions, few resources have either the range or depth of information of Bloomberg. Give yourself an edge in the job search by learning to use this powerful and sophisticated research tool.

Introduction to Market Research

Understanding the consumer is essential for any successful business. Market research encompasses a number of aspects critical to understanding the consumer, ranging from their demographic make-up, to their attitudes and behavior regarding a product or service. This workshop will introduce attendees to the basics of market research, highlighting key concepts that dictate what information is available, and exposing attendees to Cornell’s top resources for discovering this information.

NEW! Using Your ORCID 

Thursday, September 12, 2024, 9:30-10:30am

Using your ORCID with Mike Priehs, Open Scholarship Specialist

Spend more time conducting your research than managing your research! ORCID is a free, unique, and persistent identifier (PID) for researchers. Distinguish yourself and claim credit for your work no matter how many people have your same (or similar) name; learn how to use your unique ORCID to link your funding, publications, data, and other research.


POSTPONED Introduction to Citation Management with EndNote (virtual)

Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 12-1pm

Make your research life easier by learning how to manage your citations using a program like EndNote desktop. In this one hour hands-on workshop, learn how this free program organizes your citations and PDFs and formats citations & bibliographies in your Word documents with your preferred output style. No previous experience with the program is required, nor is it required to have EndNote to participate. Note: While EndNote is a commercial product that must be purchased, anyone in CALS or CHE may download a copy for free at either CHE: (under Software) or CALS:


How to Write a Data Management & Sharing Plan

Thursday, September 19, 2024, 9:30-10:30am

Many funders require a data management plan with a grant proposal. We’ll discuss the basics of preparing a data management & sharing plan, as well as tools and templates you can use to help and how to get free and confidential consultations and feedback on draft plans.


NEW! Introduction to Wikipedia Editing

Interested in improving the open educational content of the online encyclopedia, Wikipedia? This session will get you started with the production side of Wikipedia, providing an overview of the basics of editing for new and beginning editors through a real-time, hands-on editing session. You don’t have to be an expert to contribute! Just come with an open mind and a willingness to contribute to public information.

NEW! Copyright & Author Rights

Thursday, September 26, 2024, 9:30-10:30am

Copyright & Author Rights with Mike Priehs, Open Scholarship Specialist

Yes, copyright can be confusing, but you do have rights! Many publishers will ask you to surrender more of your rights than are necessary for publication. You may find yourself unable to re-use portions of your articles in other publications or prevented from printing your writings for your own classes. Luckily, we can help you navigate these publishing agreements and empower you to take more control over your copyrights.


Systematic Reviews and Beyond: Getting Started with Evidence Synthesis

Are you interested in working on a systematic review, scoping review, or meta-analysis but don’t know where to start? The library can help! In this workshop, we’ll show you how to get your evidence synthesis project off the ground with the most up-to-date guidance and time-saving tools. Systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses can be complicated, but we’ll help you map out the project and develop a plan for each step so that the process is as efficient as possible. Along the way, experts in evidence synthesis methodologies will share their tips and advice for how to turn your research question into a rigorous, and publishable, evidence synthesis.

This workshop assumes a general grasp of evidence synthesis. If you are unfamiliar with evidence syntheses, please watch The Nuts & Bolts of Systematic Reviews prior to attending the workshop. For more information about how the library can support your evidence synthesis projects, check out our Evidence Synthesis Service page.

Intro to QGIS

Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 3-5pm

This workshop will cover basic tasks using QGIS: loading data, changing the styles used to display the data on a map, installing plugins, using processing tools to do basic analysis, and exporting a finished map image.


Data Publishing (and Citing)

Thursday, October 3, 2024, 9:30-10:30am

Data sharing is required by many funders and publishers and publishing data in a repository can help maximize research impact by making it easier for others to find and cite your research. We’ll cover tips, strategies for sharing, and resources available to you.


Introduction to Open Science Framework

Thursday, October 10, 2024, 9:30-10:30am

Collaboration tools can make practicing Open Science easier. Come explore and learn how the Open Science Framework allows you to build and develop projects, providing a centralized workspace while leveraging different tools for different parts of the project. Show Your Work. Share Your Work. Advance Science. That’s Open Science.


Communicating Your Research Through Comics

Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 12-1pm

Looking for a fun and unique way to communicate your research? Come and learn how to use comics to visually communicate scientific information – for conference posters, papers, and more. This is open to all skill levels, no experience drawing or graphics programs necessary!


Introduction to Adobe Premiere Pro

Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 3-5pm

Learn the basics of video editing with Premiere Pro. This hands-on workshop will cover the essentials of post-production for video projects, as well as basic effects and color correction, and normalizing audio.


Power Searching: Developing a Search Strategy for Your Literature Review

Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 12-1pm

Whether you’re new to searching academic databases or want help designing the most comprehensive search strategy possible, this workshop will help you get the most out of searching for academic literature. We will discuss the steps of turning your research question into a search strategy, and we’ll explore tips and tricks to make sure you are getting the most out of your online searching. In this workshop, we’ll focus on PubMed and Web of Science, but we’ll cover other databases and grey literature searching as well. The workshop will include hands-on practice and an opportunity for you to start designing your own search strategy.