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New Doings at the mannUfactory Makerspace

3D printer in the MakerspaceWorking on making something besides a paper or a presentation (whether left over from the summer or starting new for the fall)? As of August 23, the mannUfactory makerspace is open for longer hours with more staff (Mon – Thurs 10-9; Fri 10-6; closed Sat; Sun 12-9)! We’re also offering additional equipment and new opportunities to learn, supporting more classes and workshops (informal and formal), and soliciting community feedback.

New equipment
Two additional Ultimaker 3 3D printers will reduce wait times and allow us to take 3D printing on the road. We also now have a 1” button maker (and new button making pricing), and if you want to kick your sewing up a notch, you can use our new serger for more professional, finished seams.

Want to learn something new? Tell us what workshops you’d like to see, whether you’d like to teach, and what topics you’d like to learn in ongoing special interest groups (SIGs)! Fill out this interest form by August 31st and we’ll try and tailor the workshop content, dates, and times to your needs.

Course-related and Group Sessions
Want a session tailored just for your credit class or special group? See our philosophy, and talk to us about what you’re interested in, what you’d like your group to be able to do after a session, and what dates and times work for you.

Give feedback
The makerspace is nothing without you! Tell us what you think, and if you’d like to be more involved, join our makerspace advisory board. Contact us at for more information and to leave comments.