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Spring 2023 Exhibits & Events

Save the date! An opening reception for Mann Library’s spring 2023 exhibits will take place in the Mann Library Gallery on Thursday, March 23, at 4:30 pm (remarks to start at 4:45pm). Come find out about and explore our new installations that celebrate the fiber arts and highlight efforts being made towards sustainable fashion.


Threading the Needle: Weaving Traditions into Contemporary Textile Art

Mann Gallery, 2nd Floor

Using needle and thread, warp and weft, 28 artists mend and explore the meaning and self-expression behind textile creation and envision a future of textiles and “slow fashion” that brings storytelling back into the conversation and back into our own relationship with the textiles in our lives.  


Sustaining Style: Towards Responsible Fashion

Mann Lobby

Booming fast fashion has made stylish clothing more affordable than ever before, but costs to industry workers and the natural environment have been serious. Issues include rising global carbon emissions, microplastic pollution of the world’s oceans, and widespread pesticide use, to name just a few. “Sustaining Style” explores ideas and innovations being investigated here at Cornell University and around the world to realize a more sustainable way of producing and consuming fashion.


Mann Library is pleased to present “Threading the Needle” and “Sustaining Fashion” as part of the Threads of History: Textiles Across Cornell programming occurring on the Cornell campus in 2022/2023. Other exhibits and events taking place at Mann Library as part of this programming include: