Libraries and Hours Ask a Librarian

Mann Library

Open until 10pm - Full Hours /
Lobby/Contactless Pickup: Open 24 Hours

Mann Library Winter Break

As the Cornell Ithaca campus begins to wind down and we approach the winter break, we wanted to take this opportunity remind our patrons that our hours will be slightly different over the next few weeks, so please plan accordingly!

  • We will close early on Friday, December 23, at 2pm. 
  • Mann Library will be closed from Saturday, December 24 – Monday, January 2. We will reopen on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
  • Please note that our 24/7 spaces and our contactless pickup area will also be closed during this time period, so remember to pick up your requested items before 2pm on Friday, 12/23!

When we reopen on January 3, we will have adjusted hours for the winter intersession:

  • Monday – Friday, 8am to 5pm
  • CLOSED Saturday and Sunday
  • We will also be closed on Monday, January 16, 2023 for the MLK Jr. holiday.
  • Our normal semester hours will resume on the first day of classes for the spring semester, Monday, January 23, 2023,

You can find the schedule of Cornell University staff holidays on the Human Resources website, and the Cornell academic calendar on the University Registrar website. The full listing of Mann Library hours can be found on our hours page.


Warm wishes for a peaceful and relaxing winter break from your friends at Mann Library!

Challenging the Deep: A Ship for Science

Humans have explored only about five per cent of our blue planet’s ocean habitat, but even that bit of progress has much to do with a sea voyage launched one hundred and fifty years ago. On December 21, 1872, the HMS Challenger, a re-tooled British naval ship outfitted with some of the most sophisticated scientific equipment of the times, sailed out of harbor at Portsmouth, England. The Challenger’s circumnavigation of the globe lasted 3-1/2 years and founded oceanography and marine science as formal fields of study.


In celebration of the 150th anniversary of this pioneering voyage, Mann has published “Challenging the Deep,” an online exhibit viewable at, drawing from our own collections and those of Cornell University Library’s Rare and Manuscript Collections, which hold a copy of the Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of HMS Challenger, the official collection of the expedition’s scientific work. From professor Leslie Babonis, who teaches the Biodiversity and Biology of the Marine Invertebrates class in Cornell’s Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, we received this feedback when she learned of the new exhibit: “You have no idea how well-timed this is! I was just talking about the HMS Challenger in my lecture about the deep ocean today. I will forward this link to my students so they can get the whole story.” Nice!

Borrow Direct gets an upgrade!

On December 13, the system supporting Borrow Direct will be replaced with a new software called ReShare Returnables developed by Project ReShare, a community of libraries, consortia, software developers, and open-source advocates. 


Launching simultaneously with our Ivy Plus peers, this library-community developed software is meant to advance resource sharing among our partners, and—with continuous improvements over time—offer patrons an improved catalog, more robust searching, and greater access to library materials.


What does this mean for you?

The Borrow Direct service will remain largely the same, and users will continue to enjoy speedy and convenient access to materials from our Ivy Plus partner libraries. There will only be a couple of changes to how you request materials through Borrow Direct:

Want to learn more? Read the IPLC news story. For questions, please email

December Stressbusters @ Mann

Mann Library is here to help you finish the semester strong! We have extended late-night hours through finals, as well as lots of other events and support to help you stay healthy and focused!


Let’s Meditate

Wednesday, December 7, 12:15 – 12:45pm, Mann 160

Wednesday, December 14, 12:15 – 12:45pm, Mann 100

Meditation has been shown to reduce stress and foster increased well-being – mentally, physically, cognitively, and emotionally. Mann will be hosting two Let’s Meditate sessions during finals week. These are free, guided mindfulness meditation sessions sponsored by Cornell Health that are open to all members of the Cornell community. During each half-hour session, a trained facilitator will lead participants through meditation exercises designed to focus on the breath and quiet the mind. 


Snacks in the Stacks

Thursday, December 8, 3pm 

Monday, December 12, 3pm

In the Mann Lobby

Mann Library will be giving out free snacks and beverages in the lobby during study week, while supplies last! Take a break with us and grab some refreshments to help you refuel for your epic study sessions 🙂


Study Tips

Throughout the study period and exams, Mann will be posting helpful study and self care tips on our Instagram account, courtesy of the Cornell Learning Strategies Center (LSC). Follow us to learn more about how the LSC and the Library can help you study more effectively!


Late-night hours

Mann Library has extended hours during study week and finals. From Tuesday, December 6 through Thursday, December 15, Mann Library will have the following hours:

  • Monday – Thursday, 8am to midnight
  • Friday, 8am to 8pm
  • Saturday, 11am to 8pm
  • Sunday, Noon to midnight

Attention night owls: Don’t forget about our 24/7 study spaces! These spaces include the lobby, Stone Computer Classroom (Mann 103), and Mann 112, right off the lobby. We’ll be putting out some fun crafts and other activities in this space throughout the week.


See our full hours online: You can find the hours for the Mann Café, or order online, via the Cornell Dining website.

Holiday Weekend Hours

Attention Mann Library patrons: The library will have adjusted hours for the holiday weekend! We will close early on Wednesday, November 23, at 5pm and will remain closed until we reopen at noon on Sunday, November 27. We will resume our normal operating hours on Monday, November 28. 


To recap, our Thanksgiving weekend hours are:

  • Wednesday, November 23, 8am to 5pm
  • Thursday, November 24, CLOSED
  • Friday, November 25, CLOSED
  • Saturday, November 26, CLOSED
  • Sunday, November 27, 12 – 6pm

You can find our full hours for the remainder of the semester on our hours page. However you are choosing to spend the long weekend, we hope you have a restful and restorative break!

Mann @ 70 Scavenger Hunt

Mann Library is celebrating 70 years on the Cornell Ag Quad and we want you to feel part of that history!


On the first three floors of the library, you will find stations/small tables with information about what the library looked like in its early decades and how it has evolved over the years. Go to the stations to find the answers to the following four questions.


  1. What year was the renovation of the original Mann Library building complete?
  2. What caused the fire (epic!) in the Mann Library building in 1964?
  3. What 1950’s technology allowed communication between library staff working at the circulation desk and staff working in the closed library stacks?
  4. Mann Library opened Cornell University’s first public computer lab in the early 1980’s. Who was it named after?

Submit your answers in the online entry form here: If you get them all correct, you’ll be notified via email to come select a prize at the Mann Help Desk. The prize line-up includes posters or note card packets with images from our special collections, Mann travel mugs (while supplies last!), and other swag. One entry per person. The scavenger hunt ends November 29.


Happy hunting — and best of luck as you wrap up the semester and head into exams!

Making Meaning Exhibit Opening

Cornell students have the good fortune of being able to learn about making meaningful contributions to the world via a wide array of engaged learning internships. What do these interns actually do?  A photo exhibit in the Mann Library Gallery provides an intriguing glimpse. Featured are photos taken by students while participating in engaged learning experiences during the past year. Each photo represents a snapshot, a single moment in time capturing the diverse activities, landscapes, research, and work accomplished by the featured interns. The images represent engaged experiences across eleven countries, six U.S. cities, and one virtual internship.


“Making Meaning” is a collaboration between the Lund Fellows Program for Regenerative Agriculture, the CALS Global Fellows Program, the Department of Global Development and Mann Library. The exhibition will be on display in the Mann Library Gallery on Mann’s second floor through January 2023. The exhibit is open to the public during Mann’s hours of operation, and students wishing to explore the internship opportunities available at Cornell are particularly encouraged to drop by and check it out.


An opening reception for the exhibit is planned for Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. All are welcome!

From the RAD Front: New gifts to Mann’s rare poultry & beekeeping collections

Mann Library is pleased to announce two important additions to the library’s Rare and Distinctive (RAD) Collections. For enthusiasts of backyard chicken raising, beekeeping, agricultural history, there is much to be delighted about here.


Celebrated heirloom poultry breeder, master exhibitor and show judge S. Robert Powell has made a generous gift of his archive to Mann Library. Included is an extensive collection of original 19th century poultry newspapers, yearbooks of the American Bantam Association, and other rich ephemera from a long American tradition of heirloom poultry farming, all in pristine condition. Based in Carbondale, Pennsylvania, Mr. Powell has maintained his family homestead as a working farm as part of the Keystone State’s Century and Bicentennial Farm Program. Notes Michael Cook, Head of Mann’s Collection Development department, “Powell’s gift represents one of the best and most beautifully maintained small archives of historical agricultural materials that I have ever seen donated to Mann. It offers much inspiration for the appreciation of the beauty of diverse chicken breeds and is a wonderful time capsule view of a period in American farming history when small scale poultry husbandry was widespread.”


Also exceptional is a recent gift by Susan Ross, daughter of noted beekeeper Tom Ross, who patented the Ross Round Comb Honey system which has brought the delights of comb honey stored in clear round containers to grocery store shelves across the United States. Ms. Ross has given her father’s extensive collection of personal papers, rare artifacts, first edition copies of notable classics in apiculture, photos, and letters, including a 1957 letter from Buckminster Fuller responding to Ross’ interest in Fuller’s early work on geodesic domes. Ross was an architect and engineer by training, and this wonderful new gift provides some fascinating insight into applications of geometric design for commercially successful beekeeping endeavors.


Both gifts are in the process of being documented, cataloged and conserved for perpetual safekeeping as part of Mann Library’s Rare and Distinctive  Collections in the agriculture and life sciences. More information about Mann’s RAD Collections, including a request form for making an in-person visit, can be found here:

Don’t Miss Election Day November 8th!

Hey Cornellians—There’s a day of major civic importance coming up and the library wants to be sure you don’t miss it. We’re talking, of course, about mid-term election day, which this year is on Tuesday, November 8. 


A new voting info kiosk on Mann Library’s first floor is helping to connect students and other visitors with some essential tools for helping to make sure their vote gets counted. But for those who’d prefer direct links via this page, here are some of the essentials:


Visit for:

  • finding early voting locations for your voting precinct
  • checking your registration
  • getting info on voting by mail in your state (requirements, deadlines, etc. )
  • locating your polling place and finding their hours
  • locating a ballot dropbox for your precinct
  • seeing what’s on your ballot

Visit for great info on voting procedures, polling place locations, candidate and issues up for the vote, and other essentials in Tompkins County or your home state. This site is designed specifically with students in mind!


Email,  the campus group Cornell Votes, for any (and we do mean any) questions you might have about voting. Find yourself wanting to get involved in the non-partisan campus effort to help every Cornellian exercise their voting rights? Reach out and get involved!


Use to find a post office or mailbox near you (for mailing ballots).


Check out our research guide on voting & civic engagement: This guide includes info on voter registration, election laws, becoming a poll worker, contacting your representatives, and more. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, or have questions about the guide, let us know:! It’s an actively curated resource and we’d love to keep improving it to make it work for you!

Open Access Week 2022

OA Week is an invaluable chance to connect the global momentum toward open sharing with the advancement of policy changes on the local level. Universities, colleges, research institutes, funding agencies, libraries, and think tanks have used Open Access Week as a platform to host faculty votes on campus open-access policies, to issue reports on the societal and economic benefits of Open Access, to commit new funds in support of open-access publication, and more.


Cornell University Library is holding a series of panel discussions and talks, Oct. 24–28, to promote freely accessible scholarship that advances the work of researchers in all disciplines around the world.


What does “open access” look like for the incarcerated?
Monday, October 24th, 11:15am – 12:15pm
Uris Library Fiske Room (light refreshments will be served and in person attendees will receive a pair of OA socks!) or Zoom 
Moderated by Nichole McCarthy, Original Content Collections Manager, Legal Information Institute
The short answer is, there is no such thing as “open access” in a correctional facility. However, access to information and education in correctional facilities is still essential. Instead of talking specifically about “open access” efforts, we are going to talk about the ways in which The Cornell Prison Education Program and Cornell Library work together to provide access to information to those receiving an education while incarcerated.

  • Betsye Violette, Associate Director of Student Services, Cornell Prison Education Program
  • Maddie Reynolds, Cornell Prison Education Program Librarian, Cornell University Library
  • Wendy Wilcox Co-Director Olin/Uris Libraries, Resource & Access Services, Cornell University Library

Openness and the Future of Scholarly Communications
Tuesday, October 25th, 1pm – 2pm
Olin Library Room 703 (light refreshments will be served and in person attendees will receive a pair of OA socks!) or Zoom
Moderated by Jane Bunker, Director, Cornell University Press

  • Elaine L. Westbrooks, Carl A. Kroch University Librarian, Cornell University Library
  • K. Max Zhang, Professor, Sibling School of Mechanical Engineering; The Kathy Dwyer Marble and Curt Marble Faculty Director, Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
  • Andrew Hicks, Associate Professor, Department of Music and Program in Medieval Studies; Director, Cornell Medieval Studies Program

Trends in Peer Review of Open Access Preprints
Wednesday, October 26th, 11am – 12pm
Mann Library Room 160 (light refreshments will be served and in person attendees will receive a pair of OA socks!) or Zoom (pre-registration required; click the link to register)
Hosted by Alison Fromme of ArXiv 
Speed or research is a major feature of open access preprint platforms like arXiv – formal peer review can follow later after rapid distribution of results. However, as submissions to arXiv and other preprint servers have grown, many researchers are seeking new avenues for community feedback and peer review. At this panel discussion, leaders in preprints and peer review will discuss current trends in virtual overlay journals, open peer reviews, and more.

  • Peter Coles, PhD, Theoretical Cosmologist at Maynooth University in Ireland and Managing Editor of The Open Journal of Astrophysics
  • Jessica Polka, PhD, Executive Director of ASAPbio
  • Antti Mikael Rousi, PhD, Senior Advisor, Research Services at Aalto University, Finland
  • Steinn Sigurdsson, PhD, Professor of Astronomy at Penn State University and arXiv Scientific Director

OER Above Cayuga’s Waters: An Introduction to Open Educational Resources
Thursday, October 27th, 2pm – 3pm
Olin Library Room 703 (light refreshments will be served and in person attendees will receive a pair of OA socks!) or Zoom
Presented by Mike Priehs, Cornell University Library Copyright Services
Open Educational Resources, also known as OER, are educational materials that are intentionally created and licensed to be free for users to own, share, and customize. These materials can range from a single lesson plan to an entire textbook. Not only can they save students money, but they can also be modified and remixed to better meet the learning objectives of courses. In this session, we will describe and define OER, talk about copyright and licensing issues, identify examples of OER in practice, and share our experience and knowledge of OER in use at Cornell University.


Lightning Talks!
Friday, October 28th, 10am – 11am
Hosted by Debra Howell, Cornell University Library
Lightning talks are short presentations of 5-10 minutes that are arranged one after the other that allow presenters to convey ideas, information, and concepts quickly in an exciting format. Our Open Access Week Lightning Talks include:

Changes to Public Access to Federally Funded Research

    • Presented by Matthew Kopel, Copyright Specialist, Cornell University Library and Sarah J Wright, Research Data & Life Sciences Librarian, Cornell University Library
    • In August, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy issued a memorandum eliminating the 12-month embargo on federally funded research. This presentation will briefly review what this policy guidance means for researchers and the broader academic community.

Making Research Papers Available to All

    • Presented by Shamsi Beers Brinn, User Interface/Experience Specialist, arXiv
    • For 30 years, arXiv has removed financial, institutional, and geographic barriers to access research and profoundly impacted how scientific knowledge is shared around the world. But for scientists with a variety of disabilities – such as blindness or reading disabilities – research is still not open. arXiv is embarking on an ambitious project to make the research we host as accessible and approachable as possible. We will share our findings, where arXiv can have the most impact, and how these changes benefit the entire scientific community.

Cornell Open Access Publishing Fund (COAP) – program updates

    • Presented by Kizer Walker, Director of Collections, Cornell University Library
    • Established in 2010, the Library’s COAP program underwrites reasonable publication charges for articles and books by Cornell authors who are non-tenured faculty members, academic staff members, or students, published in fee-based open access journals when other funding sources are not available.

Open for Climate Justice at The Ohio State University

    • Presented by Maureen P. Walsh, Scholarly Sharing Strategist, The Ohio State University Libraries and Gene R. Springs, Collections Strategist, The Ohio State University Libraries
    • We will give a brief overview of The Ohio State University Libraries’ “Transforming the Scholarly Publishing Economy” strategic initiative, now in its third year. We will highlight our portfolio of transformational and transitional agreements with journal publishers and our support for open scholarly monographs and open scholarly infrastructure. We will focus on the impact of our Read and Publish and Pure Publish Agreements are having in opening Climate Justice scholarship at The Ohio State University. We will share our current thinking on future directions for our initiatives as we continue to work with campus stakeholders, researchers, consortia partners, peers, open-source communities, and publishers for the advancement of open research and scholarship.

Cornell’s Quadruple Bottom Line for Sustainability: An Open Access Decision-Making Tool

    • Presented by Sarah Brylinsky, Assistant Director, Cornell Campus Sustainability Office
      • Sarah Brylinsky leads the development of climate action and sustainability business strategy across the university, including managing strategic communications and the development of a ‘living laboratory for sustainability’ to accelerate innovation and impact. She has been at her role at Cornell for 6 years, and was previously director of the national carbon commitment and founded the first higher education climate resiliency compact.
    • People. Prosperity. Planet. Purpose. These four impact areas comprise Cornell’s “quadruple bottom line” sustainability framework. Cornell’s Sustainability Office has created an open-access sustainability framework that incorporates the three key areas of environment, economy, and equity (which we call planetprosperity, and people), and adds a fourth area of consideration which helps us examine how we can best contribute to a more sustainable world as an education institution – our purpose. This Quadruple Bottom Line Sustainability Framework is both an “ethos” for how we consider sustainability as part of our campus education and operations, but also a tool for decision making that can be used by anyone on campus and beyond.