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Mann Library

Closed - Full Hours /
Lobby/Contactless Pickup: Open 24 Hours

Mann Welcomes New Staff Members

You may have seen some new faces (under those masks) at the library recently, so let us introduce our newest team members who joined Mann over the past six months!

Staff profile picture of Yue Hao

Yue Hao, Evening & Weekend Supervisor

Yue joined the Mann Library team in September 2021. Prior to coming to Mann, Yue worked at Ithaca College Library as an evening and weekend supervisor, gaining experience in access services and student supervision. She has a Bachelor of Education in Physical Education from Beijing Sport University. Her other professional experiences range from supervising a team of students volunteering at the Summer Olympics in Beijing in 2008, to helping with the creation of a webpage for East Asia Scholars at the Cornell Kroch Asia Library.

Peggy Tully, Gallery & Outreach Spaces Coordinator

Peggy was hired as our interim Gallery & Outreach Spaces Coordinator in September 2021. She has a Masters in Landscape Architecture from Cornell, and recently worked with Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services. As a research fellow with Syracuse University’s School of Architecture, she managed the production of a design book series and a large group exhibit focused on sustainable, affordable housing and land use for underserved populations in the Syracuse metro area. Since 2007, Peggy has also been an active partner in an Ithaca-based environmental and cultural landscape design practice.

Picture of Natasha Bishop

Natasha Bishop, Information & Public Services Assistant

Natasha joins us from the Arnot Art Museum in Elmira, NY where she has been responsible for planning exhibits, leading accessibility and inclusive design initiatives, and building partnerships with community members and artists. Prior to working at the museum, Natasha was a special collections reference assistant and research assistant for the Syracuse University Libraries. She has MA in History of Art from Syracuse University.

Photo of Liam Murphy

Liam Murphy, Information & Public Services Assistant

Liam comes to us from across campus where they worked at Olin Library as a Senior Circulation Assistant. Liam has worked as a teaching assistant in Cornell’s Anthropology department, a lab assistant in a Cornell Archaeology lab, a Public Program and Exhibits Coordinator for an Indiana University Archaeology Lab, and a museum educator. Liam holds an M.S. in Anthropology, and a Professional Certificate in Museum Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Photo of Carson Williams

Carson Williams, Collection Development Librarian

Carson served as Youth Services Librarian at the Thomas Branigan Memorial Library in Las Cruces, New Mexico and was previously the Adult Services Librarian at Benson Memorial Library in Titusville, PA. In both libraries Carson did collection development work and ensured that the collections were as diverse and inclusive as possible through data-driven diversity audits. While earning his MLIS at Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Carson gained a great deal of real-world social sciences experience while working in a psychiatric hospital. Carson has presented on LGBTQIA+ representation in collection development and has published in Library Journal.

Library Update Round 2 (For our now Somewhat-More-Normal Spring 2022 Semester)

Yay!  With the COVID/Omicron infection rate at Cornell being held at manageable levels to help ensure the safety of the vulnerable members of our community, we’ve made it back to in-person classes on campus. Well done, friends! Below, a quick update on what this means for Mann Library services and spaces.


First we’ll start off with what hasn’t changed: 

  • Approved masks must be worn at all times when inside our library building. What are approved masks you ask? Find those important details here:
  • Our policy on no eating and drinking inside the library policy continues until further notice. Food and beverages are restricted to the Mann lobby and the Mann Café only.

So, what is different for the rest of the semester? 

  • We are returning to normal semester hours, which is to say 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Fridays, 12:00 – 6:00 p.m. Saturdays, and 12:00 – 10:00 p.m. Sundays. For full hours info on all campus libraries, see
  • The Mann Library building is back to being open to all visitors. You no longer need to swipe your Cornell ID card at our front doors to gain access to the library.
  • Seminar and meeting rooms—Mann 102 and Mann 100—as well as the Stone Computer Classroom are open for reservations again. We welcome campus group meetings, seminars, and special instruction sessions in those spaces.  Links to reservation requests for these different rooms can be found here:
  • The Mann Lobby is a designated eating area on the Ag Quad, and café tables and chairs will return to that space as of Monday, Feb. 7. Enjoy…..and many thanks to all of you working so hard to stay healthy and safe with your community!

Spring Workshops @ Mann Library

With the spring semester well underway, it’s time to think about building those research skills, and what better way than by exploring our wide selection of pre-recorded workshops? Visit our Workshops page for our full listing of asynchronous workshops, including help with searching and literature reviews, citation management software (Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote), the nuts and bolts of systematic reviews, and research data management. Check out these workshops at a time and place that’s most convenient for you!


And be sure to check out our live workshops this semester, which are being offered in a hybrid format:


Making Scientific Posters with Illustrator (2-part series)

  • Tuesday, February 22, 4:30 – 6pm
  • Tuesday, March 1, 4:30 – 6pm

Intro to QGIS

For the full listing of Cornell University Library workshops, visit the CUL Workshops calendar.


Don’t see something you need? Complete our workshop request form to let us know if you need a specialized instruction session on additional topics such as business research (e.g. Bloomberg), specific databases (e.g. PubMed), data management tools (e.g. Open Science Framework, Excel), or design (e.g. Adobe products, poster design).

Welcome Back! (And a Few Updates for Our Not-Yet-Quite-Normal New Semester)

With the Cornell campus gearing up for the spring 2022 semester these frosty early weeks of the new year, Mann Library extends a warm welcome to all new and returning students. We’re looking forward to seeing you in the Library—despite the curve balls that the COVID-19 pandemic keeps throwing our way! The challenges of a not-yet-quite-normal semester are making a few changes in our operations necessary for now. Below we give you an overview of those adjustments. And while some of the ways we usually do things have to be different for now, please know we continue to be here for any questions or concerns you may have. Get in touch with us 24/7 any way you prefer:


  • Mann Library hours will be reduced for the first part of the semester. Until further notice, our hours of operation are Monday – Wednesday, 8am to 8pm, Thursday & Friday, 8am to 5pm, Saturday & Sunday, 12-5pm (Full hours can be found at
  • The Mann Lobby and contactless pickup area (Mann 112) will follow our building hours for the first part of the semester (i.e. 24/7 access to these spaces has been suspended for the time being).
  • In line with current public health requirements, seating facilities in the library have been adjust to ensure a safe level of occupancy at any given time of day.
  • Cornell requires that an approved mask must be worn indoors at all times in campus buildings, including the libraries, unless you are in a private, non-shared space (e.g. our individual study rooms). Approved masks include masks with any of the following certifications: ASTM (procedure or surgical), KN95, FFP2, FK94, or NIOSH N95. Cloth masks are not approved unless worn in conjunction with an ASTM medical mask. More information on mask guidelines may be found at
  • At this time, there is no eating or drinking allowed in any Mann Library spaces, including the Mann Lobby and Café, which is grab & go only (café hours can be found here: If we see you eating inside the library, we will ask you to leave to eat elsewhere. Though we understand that good coffee and snacks make any study routine better, it is important to ensure the wider public good on campus right now by being conscientious of the university’s health & safety guidelines!

Mann is undertaking these adjustments with the goal of helping the Cornell campus community manage an effective response to the current stage of the COVID pandemic. Together, we can stay healthy and successful as a learning community. Good luck, friends – be in touch if you need help (remember, just ask!) and here’s to a good semester ahead!

Spring 2022 Chats in the Stacks @ Mann Library

From affordable housing to molecular genetics, Mann Library is happy to announce a lively line-up of book talks for the spring 2022 semester. Mark your calendars for engaging cross-disciplinary discussions!


February 3, 4:00 pm

Carol Colfer, Adaptive Collaborative Management in Forest Landscapes: Villagers, Bureaucrats and Civil Society

Local communities are essential to the success of environmental policies, and yet many well-intentioned forest management proposals are based on top-down strategies disconnected from people on the ground. In contrast, an approach called Adaptive Collaborative Management (ACM) for forest landscapes attempts to better listen to local voices and build on communities’ knowledge and goals to collaboratively improve environmental planning.


CANCELLED March 3, 4:00 pm

Joe Margulies, Thanks for Everything (Now Get Out) Can We Restore Neighborhoods without Destroying Them?  (co-sponsored with the Cornell Law Library)

When a distressed urban neighborhood gentrifies, all the ratios change: poor to rich; Black and Brown to White; unskilled to professional; vulnerable to secure. Vacant lots and toxic dumps become condos and parks. Upscale restaurants open and pawn shops close. But the low-income residents who held on when the neighborhood was at its worst, who worked so hard to make it better, are gradually driven out. For them, the neighborhood hasn’t been restored so much as destroyed. Is it possible to restore distressed neighborhoods without setting the stage for their destruction?


March 9, 4:00 pm

Joseph Peters & Tina Henkin, Snyder & Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria

To understand big leaps in genome editing today, we must start small and look very closely at the molecular genetics of bacteria. In a live, virtual, Chats in the Stacks talk, Joseph Peters and Tina Henkin discuss their new book, Snyder & Champness Molecular Genetics of Bacteria, 6th edition (Wiley 2022),  a comprehensive edition of a classic text updated to cover massive advances in the field of bacterial molecular genetics from biochemical, genomic, and structural perspectives. Although the text is centered on the most-studied bacteria, Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis, many examples are drawn from other bacteria of experimental, medical, ecological, and biotechnological importance. Anyone interested in the fields of microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, bioengineering, medicine, molecular biology, or biotechnology should join this conversation.


April 14, 4:00 pm

Kaushik Basu, Policymaker’s Journal: From New Delhi to Washington D.C.

What is it like to move from the cloisters of academia to the high-profile sector of global markets and monetary policy? In his new book, Policymaker’s Journal: From New Delhi to Washington DC, (Simon & Schuster India, 2021) economist Kaushik Basu chronicles the years he spent working in the frenetic world of economic policymaking, first as chief economic advisor to the Indian government and later as the chief economist at the World Bank. In a live, virtual, Chats in the Stacks talk, Basu will discuss how he documented his day-to-day experiences over seven years of high-level, international economic policy work and share what he learned during that time.

Cornell COVID-19 Red Alert: Mann Library Update

Library Update for Alert  Level Red

Cornell University moved to COVID-19 Alert Level Red on Tuesday, December 14.

With this, all library spaces on the Cornell campus, Mann Library included, are closed for use by students until further notice.

A sad development! But for anyone needing access to library resources before the campus winter break that starts on December 24, we do have good news, as follows:

  • Faculty and staff continue to have access to library stacks and can enter Mann Library by swiping their Cornell ID’s.
  • If you need a book from the library can request them via the library catalog; please select “Contactless Pickup-Mann” as your pick-up site of choice in the drop down menu.
  • If you need to return a book, the book drop box in the breezeway between Mann Library and Plant Sciences is unlocked and able to accept returns.
  • Plotter printing can be ordered via the form at the bottom of Mann’s poster & specialty printing page. Printed posters will be available for pick-up in the contactless pick-up area off the Mann Lobby.
  • Mann contactless pick-up room (Mann 112) off the Mann Lobby is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. on Saturday through Thursday, December 23rd. Along with the rest of the Cornell campus, Mann Library will be closed for the winter holiday from December 24, 2021 through January 2, 2022. For upcoming library hours, see our hours page.
  • Fast library reference assistance continues to be available in various virtual ways, including 24/7 Chat. Find details at
  • More in-depth subject-specific research support (i.e. in Science, Social Science, Design, and Interdisciplinary, as well as GIS and data management) also continues to be available via zoom. Start here to get connected to the right person:
  • For additional info on library resources that Cornellians can count on from off-campus, see the nice overview at

Wishing you all good luck, friends, as we navigate these tricky last few days of the fall 2021 semester together. Stay safe and healthy!

Researcher’s Toolkit: Maximizing Research Success for Graduate Students

Researcher’s Toolkit: An Online Program in Maximizing Research Success for Graduate Students in the Physical and Life Sciences and Engineering

Tuesdays, early afternoon, January 11 – March 29, 2022

Cornell University Library is excited to again offer Cornell science and engineering grad students an opportunity to participate virtually in the Researcher’s Toolkit.  This popular annual program is now in its sixth year and will be held online during the Spring 2022 semester on Tuesdays, in the early afternoon from January 11 through March 29.  Each 1-hour session will focus on a different topic—from managing your data to doing comprehensive literature reviews to promoting yourself as a researcher—and will include plenty of opportunity for discussion and Q&A. As in previous years, we will also hear from a panel of experienced journal editors what it takes to get published. We’ll pick the best starting time between Noon and 1:30pm based on the preferences provided at registration.

Register online at:

Registrations are due December 23, and enrollment is limited, so please apply as soon as you can.   

For more information on past programs & presenters, please see the online guide at If you have any questions, please send a message to

Cultivating Silence: Nikolai Vavilov and the Suppression of Science in the Modern Era

Cultivating Silence: Nikolai Vavilov and the Suppression of Science in the Modern Era

Nikolai Vavilov was the most brilliant plant geneticist of the early Soviet Union, achieving worldwide scientific fame, yet he died in prison with his work almost completely destroyed. This exhibit presents a cautionary tale of ideology and research that still holds lessons for life sciences scholarship of today. 

November Library Workshops

Some great skill-building workshops still to be had at the Library this semester. For more info on our November line-up and to register:


Scrivener for [Academic] Writing (in person)

Wednesday, November 3, 2021 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Olin 106G, Olin Library


Fake News, Alternative Facts, and Disinformation: Learning to Critically Evaluate Media Sources (in person)

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

3:00pm – 4:00pm

Uris Classroom


Reproducible Research: How and Where to Publish Your Data (virtual)

Thursday, November 4, 2021

10:10am – 12:00pm


T.A.S.K. (Toys After Surgery for Kids) (making workshop, virtual)

Thursday, November 11, 2021

12:00pm – 1:00pm

Fall 2021 Exhibit Expo @ Mann

Mann Library has kicked off the fall 2021 semester with a lively roster of exhibits in our fully re-opened library. We are pleased to invite the Cornell community to come check them out at our Fall 2021 Exhibit Expo. Stop by Mann Library anytime between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon to meet Finger Lakes artist June Szabo along with the other curators and collaborators, including Cornell’s renowned Plant Pathology Herbarium Collection (CUP), behind our fall 2021 exhibits. Visitors are warmly invited to come have fun with interactive displays, discover the fascinating side- and back-stories to the installations on display in our building, and browse our featured exhibits at their leisure.


Wood-carved and woven renditions of Finger Lakes landscapes, a vast and intriguing collection of mushroom specimens, hidden messages in flower bouquets, exquisite 19th century glass sea life sculptures, and dramatic stories of suppressed science—there’s so much thought-provoking and beautiful art and science to explore!