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Mann Library

Closed - Full Hours /
Lobby/Contactless Pickup: Open 24 Hours

CALS Student Advising Spaces Opens at Mann Library

In response to student requests for a more centralized, accessible space for academic and career advising, community building, and well-being events, the CALS Office of Student Services and Mann Library collaborated to create the CALSZone, a new CALS student community space housed in Mann Library Room 112, off the lobby. After a soft launch in February of this year, the space officially opened with a grand opening celebration on March 9.


Students looking for support will find a wide-range of advising services in the CALSZone. From global experiences, to academic guidance and tutoring, to registrar advising (including degree progress and graduation requirement reviews ), to career advising. If you have a question about academic policies, want to learn more about studying abroad, need tutoring help, or just want someone to look over your resume before that big interview, you’ll be able to find answers in the CALSZone!


To find more information on weekly programming in the CALS Zone, visit:


The CALSZone will also offer coffee, tea, and snacks a few times per week, thanks to a partnership with Cornell Dining. Group meeting spaces and individual study spots are available for student use. To help alleviate student stress, wellness activities will be hosted in the space in addition to academic and career advising services. The space remains open 24/7 for group and individual study, as well as contactless pick-up, book returns, and printing services.


There are more programming and events planned for the CALSZone, including Alumni Career Chats and Employer Meet & Greets, so stay tuned and check the space often for information on upcoming programs!

Earth Month @ Mann Library

April is Sustainable Fashion Month at Mann Library, and we have a variety of events and exhibits focused on textiles, fashion, and sustainability happening all month long!


Tuesday, April 11, 4pm

Mann Library, Room 102

Threads: Sustaining India’s Textile Traditions. The Cornell and Ithaca area public are warmly invited to a screening of a documentary film co-directed by professor of communication Katherine Sender. Threads: Sustaining India’s Textile Tradition follows the stories of fashion designers and fabric artisans as they transform traditional textile practices for contemporary fashion markets. The screening will be followed by a Q&A discussion with Professor Sender.


Thursday, April 13, 11am to 3pm

Mann Library Lobby

Clothing Exchange with Cornell Thrift and  Epsilon Eta. Cornell Thrift, Epsilon Eta, and Mann Library are partnering to hold a clothing exchange in the Mann lobby that that can spruce up your wardrobe and help you put sustainable fashion into practice. Come get FREE thrifted items and donate any clothes you may not want anymore (but please note: donations are optional and not required to take clothes!). This event is free and open to all Cornell students and staff. 


Friday, April 14, 12-2pm

Mann Library, Room 102

Sew Creative: Hands-on Workshop in Basic Stitching (registration required). Interested in trying your hand at some fiber arts but don’t have a sewing machine? No problem! Learn the basics of hand stitching in this in-person workshop. You will learn the running stitch, back stitch, invisible (hem) stitch, blanket stitch, and chain stitch. We will also discuss applications for each. No prior sewing experience is required. Materials for the class will be provided. 


These events are happening in conjunction with Mann’s spring 2023 exhibits, “Threading the Needle: Weaving Traditions into Contemporary Textile Art” (Mann Gallery) and “Sustaining Style: Towards Responsible Fashion” (Mann Lobby). These exhibits are part of Cornell University Library’s Threads of History: Textiles Across Cornell programming occurring across campus in 2022/2023.

Spring 2023 Exhibits & Events

Save the date! An opening reception for Mann Library’s spring 2023 exhibits will take place in the Mann Library Gallery on Thursday, March 23, at 4:30 pm (remarks to start at 4:45pm). Come find out about and explore our new installations that celebrate the fiber arts and highlight efforts being made towards sustainable fashion.


Threading the Needle: Weaving Traditions into Contemporary Textile Art

Mann Gallery, 2nd Floor

Using needle and thread, warp and weft, 28 artists mend and explore the meaning and self-expression behind textile creation and envision a future of textiles and “slow fashion” that brings storytelling back into the conversation and back into our own relationship with the textiles in our lives.  


Sustaining Style: Towards Responsible Fashion

Mann Lobby

Booming fast fashion has made stylish clothing more affordable than ever before, but costs to industry workers and the natural environment have been serious. Issues include rising global carbon emissions, microplastic pollution of the world’s oceans, and widespread pesticide use, to name just a few. “Sustaining Style” explores ideas and innovations being investigated here at Cornell University and around the world to realize a more sustainable way of producing and consuming fashion.


Mann Library is pleased to present “Threading the Needle” and “Sustaining Fashion” as part of the Threads of History: Textiles Across Cornell programming occurring on the Cornell campus in 2022/2023. Other exhibits and events taking place at Mann Library as part of this programming include:

Your Art, Our Elevators! 2023 Elevator Art Contest at Mann & Olin Libraries

Cornell University Library is calling for submissions of original artwork to adorn the first-floor elevator doors in Mann Library and Olin Library. Winners will each also receive a Cornell Store prize, valued at $100 (with gift receipt).


Our theme and prompt this year is “backstory,” which Merriam-Webster dictionary defines as “a story that tells what led up to the main story or plot (as of a film).” What backstory has defined your life, or what backstory reveals an important aspect of the world?


Entries will be judged both by visual appeal and by how creatively they’ve explored the prompt. Winning artworks will be installed starting in April 2023.


Who’s eligible: Currently enrolled undergraduate, graduate, or professional school students at Cornell.

Deadline: 11:59 p.m., E.T., March 14, 2023. The winners will be chosen by March 20.

How to submit: Use the submission form below to provide basic information about you and a paragraph describing how your entry supports the theme. Upload a high-resolution, digital file of your artwork. You must also attest that your work (including all images contained in it) is original and solely made and owned by you. Any inaccurate information could disqualify your submission. Multiple submissions are allowed.

Image file requirements and recommendations:

  • File name must include your NetID, for example “cd58_TitleOfWork.jpg”.
  • Final size of decal is 88 inches high x 42 inches wide (split down the middle to allow doors to open).
  • Portrait orientation works best.
  • File format must be vector (e.g. PDF, EPS, AI or SVG), or high-resolution raster, larger than 20MB (e.g. JPEG, TIFF, PSD).

If your image is a photograph, please provide the location where your photograph was taken (city, country, and landmark). Consideration will be given, in part, to the location where the photograph was taken and any legal restrictions on the use of images of individuals from that location.


Submit your entry!

Spring 2023 Workshops @ Mann Library

Check out our spring semester workshop schedule and learn about all the ways you can level up your research skills! Click the links below to register for these in-person workshops. To see the full list of Cornell University Library spring semester workshops, visit


And be sure to check out our Workshops page for our full listing of pre-recorded workshops, including help with searching and literature reviews, citation management software (Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote), the nuts and bolts of systematic reviews, and research data management.


Writing a Data Management and Sharing Plan for Grant Applications

Tuesday, February 14, 12-1pm

Stone Classroom, Mann 103

This class covers the basics of writing a successful data management and sharing plan for federal funding agencies such as the NEH, NSF, NIH, NASA, and others. Attendees will learn about the different requirements funding agencies have for your research data as well as how to best meet those obligations within your lab or research group.



CANCELLEDIntroduction to Bloomberg

Wednesday, February 15, 4:30-5:30pm

Stone Classroom, Mann 103

Hundreds of thousands of investment professionals rely on the most comprehensive financial research tool on the market – Bloomberg. Give yourself a competitive advantage by learning the basics of how to navigate Bloomberg quickly and efficiently.


Introduction to Market Research

Tuesday, February 28, 4:30-5:30pm

Stone Classroom, Mann 103

Understanding the consumer is essential for any successful business. Market research encompasses a number of aspects critical to understanding the consumer, ranging from their demographic make-up, to their attitudes and behavior regarding a product or service. This workshop will introduce attendees to the basics of market research, highlighting key concepts that dictate what information is available, and exposing attendees to Cornell’s top resources for discovering this information.


Introduction to Bloomberg

Tuesday, March 7, 12-1pm

Stone Classroom, Mann 103

Hundreds of thousands of investment professionals rely on the most comprehensive financial research tool on the market – Bloomberg. Give yourself a competitive advantage by learning the basics of how to navigate Bloomberg quickly and efficiently.


Sew Creative: Hands-on workshop in the techniques of basic stitching

Friday, April 14, 12-2pm

Mann 102

Interested in trying your hand at some fiber arts but don’t have a sewing machine? No problem! Learn the basics of hand stitching in this in-person workshop. You will learn the running stitch, back stitch, invisible (hem) stitch, blanket stitch, and chain stitch. We will also discuss applications for each. No prior sewing experience is required. Materials for the class will be provided.  (This workshop is being offered in conjunction with the exhibit “Threading the Needle: Weaving Traditions into Contemporary Textile Art” on display in the Mann Gallery through August 2023.)

Who’s your Valentine? Try Mann’s book matchmaking service to find out!

Looking for love this Valentine’s Day? Let Mann Library’s matchmaking service help you meet the book of your dreams!

From Monday, February 6 through Tuesday, February 14, we’ll be matching book lovers with a “blind date” selected from our Edith A. Ellis Collection. This collection is full of popular nonfiction titles on topics ranging from people and planet, food and fiber, town and country, home and cosmos, and much, much more!

Just fill out a short dating profile and let us do the rest! You’ll be notified by email when your match is ready and waiting to be picked up at the Mann Library Help Desk. Not feeling the vibe? That’s OK – we can take your “date” back if it’s not love at first sight!

You can also explore the Ellis Collection on your own, online at mann-ellis-collection or in-person on the 1st floor of Mann, near the library entrance.

Spring 2023 Chats in the Stacks @ Mann Library

Get out your calendars and mark the dates of our spring semester book talks! All our Chats in the Stacks this semester will be held in-person in Mann Library 160 and livestreamed. You can find all recordings of our past Chats in the Stacks on our YouTube channel.


March 2, 2023, 4pm

Mann Library, Room 160 and livestreamed

Character Trouble with John Doris 

Human character has less of an influence on action than both philosophical theory and our everyday experiences would have us think, according to John M. Doris, the Peter L. Dyson Professor of Ethics in Organizations and Life and professor in the Sage School of Philosophy­. A leading proponent of interdisciplinary approaches to moral psychology exploring questions of character, virtue, and agency since the 1990’s, Doris has now collected over 20 years of his work into Character Trouble: Undisciplined Essays on Moral Agency and Personality (Oxford University Press, 2022). In this book talk, Doris will reflect on this collection, as well as discuss recent developments in understanding of moral cognition and behavior, and the moral psychology of character. 


March 9, 2023, 4pm

Mann Library, Room 160 and livestreamed

The Nature of Data with Jenny Goldstein 

It is not possible to fully understand current global environmental politics and responses to environmental challenges without understanding the role of data platforms, devices, standards, and institutions, according to Jenny Goldstein, assistant professor in Global Development. In her book talk, Goldstein discusses her new book, The Nature of Data: Infrastructures, Environments, Politics (University of Nebraska Press, 2022), coedited with Eric Nost, assistant professor at the University of Guelph, which brings together scholars from geography, anthropology, science and technology studies, and ecology to explore these connections, and reveal how environmental politics are waged in the digital realm.


March 15, 2023, 4pm

Mann Library, Room 160 and livestreamed

Draping for Apparel Design with Susan Ashdown 

The apparel industry, though driven by fashion and expected to embrace transformation, is often resistant to change in its technologies and vision, according to Susan P. Ashdown, Professor Emerita in Human Centered Design in the College of Human Ecology. This attitude has also been apparent in patternmaking textbooks used in apparel programs, but in editing the 4th edition of Draping for Apparel Design (Fairchild Books, 2022) Ashdown transformed this text from a ‘how-to’ book suited to a 1950s classroom to a modern book with an inclusive vocabulary, as well as methods and topics directed to the students who will lead the apparel industry in the future.


April 10, 2023, 4pm

Mann Library, Room 160 and livestreamed

Weeds of the Northeast with Antonio DiTommaso 

Identifying your local weeds can be relevant to everyone from home gardeners to landscapers, pest management specialists, allergy sufferers, and foragers of all kinds. In this book talk, Antonio DiTommaso, professor and Chair of the School of Integrative Plant Science Soil and Crop Sciences Section, will discuss Weeds of the Northeast, 2nd edition (Cornell University Press, 2023) a fully updated edition of the best-selling original full of lavish illustrations and detailed descriptions to aid in the identification of more than 500 common and economically important weeds in a region reaching as far south as North Carolina, as far north as Canada, and as far west as Wisconsin. Weeds of the Northeast is also a handy yet comprehensive reference for those aspects of weed biology and ecology which are most important to weed management.

Welcome (back) students!

The Spring 2023 semester is off to a snowy start, and we’re happy to welcome Cornell students back to the library! You may have noticed some changes since the end of last year, including the large area cordoned off on the 1st floor. Please be mindful and avoid the atrium area as you enter and exit the building. We have a construction project beginning in February that we hope will only last a couple months, so please pardon our mess while we make some much needed improvements! 


A few other things to remember as you get back into the semester routine:

COMING SOON: the new CALS Zone. located in Mann Rm 112 off the lobby. Starting in February, in addition to being our contactless pickup area and a 24/7 study space, this will also be a dedicated space for CALS advising help. Watch our website for an opening announcement in the coming weeks!

New Library Website for the New Year!

Cornell University Library is starting the new year off with an exciting announcement: we have a new website! Our newly redesigned site has all the great features of our previous website – such as our search box for the library catalog front and center on the home page – along with some great new functionality to make navigation easier and more efficient for our users. Some notable features include:

Have feedback to share with our development team? The link to our feedback form can be found at the top of all the webpages on the new Library site. To the many users who have already shared feedback with us or participated in our testing throughout the development process, we thank you for helping us design a site that works for you. 

Mann Library Winter Break

As the Cornell Ithaca campus begins to wind down and we approach the winter break, we wanted to take this opportunity remind our patrons that our hours will be slightly different over the next few weeks, so please plan accordingly!

  • We will close early on Friday, December 23, at 2pm. 
  • Mann Library will be closed from Saturday, December 24 – Monday, January 2. We will reopen on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
  • Please note that our 24/7 spaces and our contactless pickup area will also be closed during this time period, so remember to pick up your requested items before 2pm on Friday, 12/23!

When we reopen on January 3, we will have adjusted hours for the winter intersession:

  • Monday – Friday, 8am to 5pm
  • CLOSED Saturday and Sunday
  • We will also be closed on Monday, January 16, 2023 for the MLK Jr. holiday.
  • Our normal semester hours will resume on the first day of classes for the spring semester, Monday, January 23, 2023,

You can find the schedule of Cornell University staff holidays on the Human Resources website, and the Cornell academic calendar on the University Registrar website. The full listing of Mann Library hours can be found on our hours page.


Warm wishes for a peaceful and relaxing winter break from your friends at Mann Library!